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Royal Rubies

Girls ages 4-12yrs

Mission Statement

To teach young ladies value and self-worth becuase they are the Lord's gem
(Proverbs 31:10)
Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above Rubies.

To show young ladies that there is a positive way to adorn themselves in the fullness of the Lord.
(1Timothy 2:9)
In like manner also: that women adorn themselves in modest apparel.

To charge the young women of God to understand and know that they are God's creation
(Psalms 139:14)
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.


Praise the Lord,


My name is Prophetess LaWanna Jones, I am saved, Holy Ghost filled & fighting for my Lord. I am the wife of an Awesome Man of GOD & the mother of two wonderful children. Over eleven years ago, I rededicated my life back to the Lord and with God's help have remained on the battlefield as one of His kingdom kids.


With the leading of the Lord He directed my family to Greater Works Deliverance Center where the Spirit & the true Word of GOD is being magnified. He opened a door in my life in August of 2008 and in opening that door He gave my Pastor a fresh Revelation, that's when she put me over a Ministry surrounding these little Angel's ages 4-12.

I began to Pray and GOD gave me the name "Royal Rubies". This Ministry has really been a blessing for me, my daughter & many of the other young ladies that is a part of this Ministry. So, as I stay obedient to God, I know that He will keep His promise to me, and that promise is to have eternal life.

Be Blessed And Encouraged In The Lord!

  Copyright (c)2008 Greater Works Deliverance Center