Greater Works Deliverance Center Where The People Are D.R.E.S.S.E.D. For Battle!
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Our vision at Greater Works Deliverance is to teach the people of God how to be D.R.E.S.S.E.D. for Battle. 

The definition of this acronym is:

        D. Delivered -
We believe that all men can be delivered from what hinders them from walking in the fullness of what God has promised us in His Word, by the power and the blood of Jesus Christ.

       R. Reconciled and Restored -
            We also believe that man has the privilege to be reconciled to the Father through Jesus and restored to his rightful place in the Kingdom of God for this is the Children of God's inheritance.

E. Equipped -
We believe that man can be equipped for life by the Word of God for it is our instruction manual.

  S. Saved -

We teach that we are saved by and through Jesus.  We teach that although Salvation is free, it is also a daily process of self-denial and dying to our flesh so that the Spirit of God may arise in us.

 S. Sanctified -
We teach that we are to be set apart and a holy nation, a peculiar people that God may use us.  We teach the standard of living according to the Word which is Holiness.

       E. Empowered -
We believe that we are empowered by God through the Holy Ghost, who leads and teaches all things.

        D. Discipled -
We teach that before we can be active in ministry that we must first be discipled by our leaders as they are led of God.  We are to be trained for the task that God has prepared for us.


  Copyright (c)2008 Greater Works Deliverance Center