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Prayer of the Month

Father God we thank you for an opportunity to come before you. We present our body to you to be used for your glory. Forgive us of our sins and transgressions.

Father we bring before you all the intercessor around the world. We decree and declare that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God. We pull down strongholds, cast down vain imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Our thoughts are subject to you Father. We obliterate and put a stop to all satanic impressions. We execute divine judgment against satanic activities, we wage war against his kingdom and all lower level demonic activity.

Father God, you have given us a great work to accomplish. Lord Jesus we war for the release of our finances, families, occupation, and ministries. We call in the resources from the four corners of the earth. The North, East, South, and West. We decree and declare that every resource needed to fulfill your plans and purpose in our lives comes to us immediately without delay or distractions. We cast down ill spoken words, word cures, and witchcraft prayers. They shall not work against us; we curse them from the root. We send their hexes and spells back to them double fold. Let them fall in the pit they have dug for us. Let them be put to shame and dishonor. We thank you God for bringing us to our wealthy place naturally and prophetically.

We thank you for wisdom, knowledge, and peace beyond our understanding. You are the Lord God that reigns over us and we praise you. You are a God that neither sleep nor, do you slumber. We thank you for our set time of favor. We decree and declare that this prayer and all our future prayers shall hit its target. We shall prosper and be in good health. We declare success and progress in Jesus name.


Prophetess Charlene Bouie

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